After three years and hundreds of posts, Lost In The '80s as a site goes into "syndication," as it will now re-present every original post, in order, complete with reposted files, once a week. That's all well and good, but what about the new/old stuff? I'm proud to announce that Lost In The '80s and I are over at, the brainchild of Jefito, of the now-defunct and Jefitoblog!
I've joined Jefito and a ton of other talented writers and the best part of it all is that you get four times the entries out of my lazy ass. Not only do you get
Lost In The '80s every Tuesday at Popdose, I'm writing three new features - Lost In The '70s, Lost In The '90s (which will rotate every Thursday) and Why You Should Listen To..., a new concept that appears every other Wednesday!
So, take a second and bookmark now - and don't forget to check below weekly for Lost In The '80s Classic!
posted by John, 11:55 AM