Smiths Complete - Available at Rhino.coma-ha "Hunting High & Low" and "Scoundrel Days" Deluxe Editions Rhino Handmade raids the vault!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Frankly, I'm As Stumped As Heather

Was marrying Heather Mills the most embarassing thing Paul McCartney ever did?

Unfortunately, no.

And this didn't help matters any:

So, is that the most cringe-inducing "Wacky Celebrity Cameo" video ever? Or is it the Paul Simon one with Steve Martin and repeat offender Chevy imitating MC Hammer?

"Spies Like Us" peaked at #7 (ye Gods!) on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1985.
Chevy Chase recently played a batshit crazy screaming Jew-hater on "Law & Order".
Dan Aykroyd married beyond his station then got bloated.

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posted by John, 4:10 PM