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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm in "Q"? Who knew?

The always-wonderful Homo Eclectic, who first alerted me, that's who.

Get thee to a newsstand post haste and pick up the new issue of Q featuring The Killers' Brandon Flowers wagging his finger at you for hating America because you don't support Bush and take a peek inside at the "100 Ways To Get Free Music!" article:

Ya know what, Q? I like you too. This gets you to at least third base with me. I have to say, I'm a bit shocked to be featured alongside some definite A-list MP3 sort of validates my belief that just throwing up an MP3 daily isn't enough - I want to make sure I have something to say about each song I feature, whether it's a story to tell, a funny ha-ha observation or a debate on whether it should have been a hit or not.

I say "sort of validates" because while it's definitely nice, the comments you people leave here each and every day make me feel ten times better.

Sniff. Don't look at me. It's just my contact lenses, honest. I have to go now.

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posted by John, 12:22 PM