Smiths Complete - Available at Rhino.coma-ha "Hunting High & Low" and "Scoundrel Days" Deluxe Editions Rhino Handmade raids the vault!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

If You Want My Love, You Got It

Remember my totally serious and without irony campaign to be named host of VH1 Classic's "The Vault"?

Well now, someone's heard the news:

I realize it would be totally crass and out of line to ask you, dear reader, to e-mail VH1 Classic and suggest your favorite 80s blogger be considered for the (non-existent?) gig. Just as it would be tasteless to suggest to Viacom that "VH1 Classic Hires Blogger To Host New Show Featuring Classic Videos" would make a great hook for PR purposes.

I mean, I'm so not crass or tasteless.
posted by John, 12:34 PM