Smiths Complete - Available at Rhino.coma-ha "Hunting High & Low" and "Scoundrel Days" Deluxe Editions Rhino Handmade raids the vault!

Monday, May 16, 2005

"if they were me / and i were you..."

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to me. I'm this many today!

It's amazing what you find when you look...just days after posting a request for Q Lazzarus and thinking it was back in Cleveland (see below), I pulled out some new CD compilations I hadn't gotten around to and lo and behold, there's Q Lazzarus "Goodbye Horses (Extended)"! There you go, John, better late than never.

And Joe.My.God. was kind enough to foward the extended mix of Heaven 17's "Let Me Go". Yay!
posted by John, 9:53 AM